viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

You have taken away all the sanity in me

You've taken away all I want.
You've taken away all I am.
You've taken away all I mean.
You've taken away all that once I wanted to be.

You've taken yourself to the place where I can't find you. To the place where I see you but I can't touch you, such as if there were bars between us. It's so horrible to know that I can't love you, although once I did. I feel taken by a heavy strenght that sucks me out, and I'm every second closer to the black hole, this place where there is nothing. And nothing feels bad. Nothing feels like I don't know what to feel or do. Or where to go. And it has lost me.

So, that's why you've taken away all the sanity in me. And if I wanna get it back, I would prefer it without you. Because you would take away all my sanity again.